JMI Group Celebrates World Peace Day - 2022

To establish united peace, JMI Group has celebrated International Day of Peace-2022 with due dignity like every year keeping in mind the motto of this year, "End Racism, Build Peace". On this occasion, on Wednesday morning, a discussion meeting was organized at the 'Abdus Salam' auditorium of the National Press Club.
Here are clippings of JMI Group news published in print and online media of Bangladesh. A total of 27 media outlets, including 02 televisions, 12 newspapers and 13 online portals, have published JMI Group celebrates World Peace Day, published on 22th September, 2022. Our celebration is to pay tribute to their hard work and to play a strong role in establishing world peace. So, International Day of Peace wishes and love from JMI Group to the people of the world.
দ্য ডেইলি স্টার (The Daily Star)
দা ফাইনান্সিয়াল এক্সপ্রেস (The Financial Express)