JMI Group vows “NO” to RACISM to Build PEACE

JMI Group observes the International Day of Peace 2022 with due diligence and vows “NO” to Racism to build PEACE while upholding the motto "End Racism, Build Peace" for this year.
As a part of the day-long program on Wednesday (21 September) JMI Group organized a press briefing session at 'Abdus Salam Auditorium’ of the National Press Club where all the speakers highlighted the significance and importance of observing the International Day of Peace while directing to generate the public awareness and gather opinions towards achieving the happiness and peace for the humanity regardless of caste, religion, and color.
Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed, Associate Professor & Chairman, and Dr. Md. Touhidul Islam, Associate Professor of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Dhaka, both spoke as special guests of the session.
The speakers shared with the audience that in the year 1981, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared a day dedicated to "commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples." The first International Day of Peace was observed in 1982, and September 21 was designated as Peace Day. Two decades later, in 2001, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of nonviolence and cease-fire.
The speakers explained the different traits of racism and how they can be exterminated from society to build our desired peace which is eventually needed for our prosperity too.
In his speech, the Founder and Managing Director of JMI Group, Md. Abdur Razzaq shared that JMI Group has been observing Peace Day for more than a decade. People of different nationalities such as Japanese, Ukrainian, British, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Turkey all are working together in JMI Group without facing any racial discrimination, he shared. He expressed his concern about the negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the economy and business while mentioning the price hike of numerous goods and services in the international and local markets. He wished and encouraged all the people to make the promise of the International Day of Peace in our daily lives so that we can build a peaceful society and nation without racism and hatred.
In the closing speech, JMI Group Chairman, Md Jabed Iqbal Pathan said "Every member of the JMI family is committed to upholding the theme of the United Nations Day of Peace. I think our efforts today are so timely to combat racism."
The Founder and Managing Director of JMI Group, Md. Abdur Razzaq chaired the press briefing session where Major (Rtd) Abdullah Al Faruki, Deputy General Manager (Administration) of JMI Group facilitated the discussion.
Director of NIPRO JMI Pharma, Mostafizur Rahman Patwary, and Executive Director of NIPRO JMI Medical Limited, Kunio (Kenny) Takamido also spoke at the event. Kenny commemorated the donation of the Peace Bell by the United Nations Association of Japan which is rung only twice in a year – once on the first day of spring, at the Vernal Equinox, and the other on September 21st, International Day of Peace.
Among others JMI Syringes and Medical Devices Limited Director (Finance) Hiroshi Saito, JMI Group Advisor (Administration) MA Rajek, JMI Builders and Construction Chief Executive Officer Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed, Chief Financial Officer of JMI Group. Jahangir Alam, Abhijit Paul, Executive Director of JMI Syringes and Medical Devices Limited, and Mohammad Maswood Hasan, General Manager (HR) of JMI Group were present in the session.
At the end of the discussion session, Md. Abdur Razzaq, in presence of all the guests, speakers, and JMI Group Family members inaugurated the “Peace Rally” by freeing “Peace Pigeon” and blowing balloons. The Peace Rally moved from the National Press Club to the Doyel Chattar (Curzon Hall) where hundreds of JMI Group family members took part to showcase and promote the Peace Day essence among the nation.
JMI Group celebrates World Peace Day - 2022
JMI Group celebrates World Peace Day – 2022
JMI Group celebrates World Peace Day - 2022
JMI Group celebrates World Peace Day - 2022